Non Fiction Books

This short volume consists of 42 short (less than one page each) essays that explain 

Available in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback

Click on the Title Page Image to find the book on Amazon

Or go to Meaning of Life Audio under Podcasts to listen to a free audio version.

It isn't as hard as you might think. Everyone does it every day including you. You just need to get a little better at it to get an advantage over those who have not even tried to get better at it. After dispelling numerous misconceptions about the future, I introduce a technique which I call methodological prognostication which is nothing more than scientific method applied to making predictions about the future.

Available in Kindle and Paperback

Click on the Title Page Image to find the book on Amazon

Or go to Predicting the Future Audio under Podcasts to listen to an audio version of the first 7 chapters.

Exploring Philosophical Issues in Information System

The premise of this book is that if we could conger up the ghost of Socrates he might be able to tell us a lot about problems in Information Systems even though he lived 25 centuries before the computer was invented. The reason for this is that Socrates developed a method of philosophical inquiry which has come to be known as Socratic Method or Socratic Dialectic which focuses on the clarification of the language we are using. In the early 20th century Analytical Philosophers resurrected this idea in what has become known as the Linguistic Turn. Ludwig Wittgenstein asserted that most, if not all, philosophical problems can be reduced to language problems. Whether or not this is true with all philosophical problems or even all philosophical problems in Information Systems, it is clear that many of the philosophical problems in Information can be solved or, at least, better understood by clarifying the language we use.

Available in Kindle, Paperback, and Hardback

Click on the Title Page Image to find the book on Amazon

Or go to The Ghost of Socrates Audio under Podcasts to listen to an audio version of some sample chapters

In Search of Clarity

The only way we can make any progress in our public debates is to clarify what we are talking about. In Search of Clarity provides some historical and philosophical ideas underlying concept clarification and provides many examples along with clear advice that you can use to clarify your thinking.

Available in Kindle and Paperback.

Click on the Title Page Image to find the book on Amazon.

Writing Stories to Explore Possible Worlds

Most stories explore the human condition. However, stories can also be used to explore the possible futures so that we can make better ethical decisions regarding new technologies and social policies. 

Available in Kindle and in Paperback.

Click on the Title Page Image to find the book on Amazon.

NB: When I started my encore writing career I had several ideas for non fiction books that I wanted to write to get some ideas out of my head and on to paper, so to speak. I also needed a transition from scholarly papers to fiction and more writing experience. Possible Worlds was the last of these non fiction books and I am now turning exclusively to fiction. I enjoyed writing these books and will probably return to them as some point to create new editions. But for now I am going to take a deep dive into fiction which is a lot more fun. Jun 20, 2023

Finding My Books on Amazon

To find my books on Amazon, go to and select Kindle Store. Then type in "John Artz" without the quotes. It will list my books. 

If that is way too much work, just click here Dr Artz's Books on Amazon

I also plan to create audible versions of the non fiction books as I can read them with my own voice. However, when I finally get to writing some fiction, I will either have to learn how to do voices or get someone else to read them.